On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 07:44:54PM -0600, Debbie K. wrote:
> Ya know, Pam, then she must not be naturally gaited if she has to have
> shoes on to gait... that makes no sense to me, no shoes, no gait...

well, nor are all barefoot states created equal.  when stjarni first was
without shoes (not a decision based on moral issues, just that my
farrier sucked) he quite completely lost his trot.  would it be fair to
then say that "no shoes, no trot" was true for my horse?  esp. when,
three months, some dietary supplements, some topical hoof support, and
two decent barefoot trims later, he trots beautifully?

and does it make any difference that the gait he "lost" was his trot and
not his tolt?


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