> > I've popped her new little bed in her 'crate' and Sophie has put
> > herself to bed.  The door has been wide open for 1/2 and hour now and
> > she's sound asleep in there.
> >
> > She must think it's her safe spot now...that and another safe spot
> > would be clutched in any number of human arms during the day.  She's
> > fairly well socialized at this point.

I bought "Puppy's First Steps"  by the Faculty of the Cummings Schoold
of Vet. Med at Tufts University.  The book is totally positive
reinforcement based and is the first book that I've read that said
that it's okay to let the puppy or dog sleep with you.  There is not
necessarily step by step info, but more a general training methods and
how to use crates.  I found the book very informative and useful.  I
like how it talks about letting puppies play bite so that they learn
bite inhibition verses 'teach them who's boss right from the start'.

Southern Ohio

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