> Oh man. . . not what I'd hoped to hear.

Renee, I have fantasies too :), but from living vicariously thru my
friend Susan, I think  it would be better to start out with
competitive trail riding with the NATRC before getting into endurance.
 Its a way to learn the rules and ride a conditioned horse on a
beautiful trail at a comfortable do-able speed in competition with
others, without going all to the wall if you know what I mean!  I have
a friend who entered her paso in a fifty mile race and altho she was
conditioned she got "wet tendons" and she hasnt been able to ride her
six months.  I frequently ride with my friend susan as she trains and
conditions her horse and i would just love to go but I cant seem to
ride enough to get one of mine in peak condition, where it can gait or
trot nonstop for a half hour or so without being completely winded.  I
would hate to go to all that trouble and expense and get pulled from
the race,...  but from simple trail riding on a regular basis all my
horses do the obstacles just fine...
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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