On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 06:54:41AM -0400, Karen Thomas wrote:
> You know, I can't think of a GOOD trainer/clinician that doesn't have a few 
> stories that they tell with sadness of some of the bad mistakes they've made 
> with horses.   Many will tell you a LOT of sad stories.  Certainly us 
> amateurs make plenty.  Having made mistakes isn't anything unique, or 
> anything to be OVERLY ashamed of.  (I am still embarrassed about some of the 
> stupider things I've done though.)  That's why I keep referring to Gudmar's 
> age.

thank you for this explanation; it puts many things you have said into
context for me.

have you considered trying to personally connect with gudmar, and
sharing your experiences and ideas about horsemanship with him?  not for
the sake of anybody's reputation or anything, just as horse people.


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