> that said, i do not know how horses are trained to do this; i
> discovererd it entirely by accident (stjarni also loves having his ears
> petted and played with better than anything....)

well see Vicka?  This frustrates me.  How can you brag on how someone
trained your horse when you have no idea HOW it was trained to do a
certain thing.  You just idolize and objectify someone based on...
what??  How can you tout Starnji's excellent training when you didn't
see him being trained to do this?  This baffles me.  Not picking on
you personally, but i see this so much.  And as one who has seen how
horses have been cruelly trained, with my own eyeballs, and then see
how they turn out... you know they dont all turn out shivering
cowering rehab wrecks, most actually turn out to be animatrons,
stepford horses, just churning along looking neither left nor right,
yes master, whatever you say master, please dont hurt me master...  I
see literally hundreds and hundreds of horses like this every year.
Only one in a million will fight you, most horses will just take it
and shut down til they break down actually....  The only horse I own
that I can brag on training 100% is my tivar, trained by Shirley and
Karen at her house in NC.  That Shirley with her quiet kindness and
know how to teach a horse what it needs firmly and quietly combined
with Karen's will and enthusiasm about getting inside a horse's head
and discerning its needs after it has gone sour from other trainers...
 he was just a lucky guy cause let me tell you something about my
Teev, he is like no by god, aint gonna take, I will go down fighting,
and as the icelanders say thats one for the stewpot over there and
over here its one that goes from home to home until its shot between
the eyes after maiming somebody.

I dont brag on anybodys training results unless I have seen the
process.  that would be like bragging on Amish trained horses.  You
see it on dreamhorse all the time "trained by the Amish!"  and people
from there go oh my gosh, nobody beats a horse and runs them into the
ground like the Amish...

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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