On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:23:11 -0400, you wrote:

>The screen said,
>"Programme not available in your country".   : (

Oh bother. It shows Iris Ashman in Norfolk, UK, practising for next
weekend's icetolt at her local icerink. She has a silver dapple
stallion called Columbus, German bred, who has never been on ice, so
she went along to the public skating session at her local rink to show
him the set-up, and the local TV station did a little piece on it.

It's actually rather nice - Columbus is tolting calmly and happily
round, with lots of little girl skaters following in his wake, with
huge grins and giggles. He doesn't have exaggerated action, he's
wearing the lightest weight over-reach boots you can get, he's going
pretty slowly, and both horse and rider look like they are having a

It's not all flash and fire (thank goodness), but it's still a really
nice demo of what an Icelandic horse is like - he's a stallion, it's
for sure his first time seeing an ice rink, he's on his own, and he's
completely calm and relaxed.

The ice rink manager comes on and says although they've never had a
horse at the rink before (!) he's been very happy to see this one.
Apparently the ice is just under 1 inch thick over a rubber sheet on a
wooden base.


Mic (Michelle) Rushen

Solva Icelandic Horses and DeMeulenkamp Sweet Itch Rugs: 
"Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes"

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