>>> Orri rubs but I don't see any rash on him, and since he was born in 
>>> Canada could he have a tolerance?  Are there any photos online where I 
>>> could see what SE looks like?  V

All horses rub from time to time, so don't panic.  And even if you do see a 
rash or raw spots, it can come from many causes - other kinds of bug bites, 
ticks, possibly even allergies to vegetation or flysprays.   Thunder used to 
occasionally get SE-type symptoms, but we finally realized that he had a few 
small ticks in his mane.  That didn't require any of the super-expensive 
treatments like Janice described that Tivar needed in FL.  We simply 
fly-spray him about once a week with the bargain flyspray from Tractor 
Supply.  Since Orri was born in CA, and lives close to where he was born, 
the chance of him getting SE probably isn't very high, since he probably 
developed immunities at an early age.  Just curious, do you know of many 
horses of any breeds in your area that have it?  I gather if you don't know 
what it looks like, maybe there was no one at your boarding barn who had it. 
Tivar's case is clearing up, so any pictures I'd give you wouldn't be of 
much help...and I pray I'll never be able to send you any.

Karen Thomas, NC

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