> On 14 Nov 2022, at 09:41, Murray S. Kucherawy <superu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 14, 2022 at 12:42 AM Scott Kitterman <skl...@kitterman.com 
> <mailto:skl...@kitterman.com>> wrote:
> I don't think there's any point in pursuing solutions that require a human to 
> read/understand anything about header fields.
> Having reviewed the proposals again, it seems like anything that actively 
> makes replays harder without adding additional indirect mail flow failures 
> amounts to a plan to document the flow of the email to provide additional 
> signal for receivers to understand what's been replayed versus what's a 
> normal indirect flow.
> I'm inclined to think that instead of specifying specific drafts to consider, 
> the charter should point to the problem statement draft instead.
> The drafts don't all have to be developed by the working group.  It's 
> traditional for the charter to offer some drafts as things to consider, as 
> starting points for discussion.  The working group can then choose to adopt, 
> all, some, or none of them.
> I think it was Barry who mentioned that a problem statement could be in a 
> document that never gets published.  I believe we could also include a 
> problem statement in the charter itself, if it can be brief enough and 
> doesn't need examples and so forth to make its point.

Does it make sense to add in a brief discussion of ‘responsibility for the 
message'? As I see it, responsibility implies able to do something against the 
originator of the message or act to stop the message if it turns out to be a 
problem. If it’s your customer and the mail is going out over your network you 
can disconnect them. If the mail isn’t going out through your network, you have 
very little control and if you don’t have control can you really be responsible?


The Delivery Experts

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise

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