On 12/9/22 5:06 PM, Dave Crocker wrote:
On 12/9/2022 5:00 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
Domainkeys and IIM were convergent evolution. IIM was actually published first. I produced the first DKIM implementation followed by Murray a day or two later.

Yahoo's Domainkeys was an operational system, for at least two rounds of development and refinement, before discussion moved towards the IETF venue.

My recollection is that IIM was a proposal, but not an operational system.  Perhaps you can point to some documentation to the contrary?

btw, as for my note being "completely a-historic", perhaps you can point to substantiating material?

Wrong again. We had our signing up and running in Cisco's production mail before dk and before we brought it to IETF. I was surprised by that, but it's true as verified by Murray and Mark in private discussions of a blog post I wrote. The difference in time was minor and irrelevant, but you're the one trying to use it as a cudgel. It was truly convergent evolution and what allowed us in meetings you were not part of to agree that we should merge our proposals.

And this is completely irrelevant, and a continued ad hominem. Stop it.


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