I have no formal role here, so please just take this as a plea from a
Let's please stop bickering: it's simply hindering a productive
discussion of a charter, and it's clear that we can have endless
back-and-forth messages in this vein for quite some time if we let
ourselves.  Please, let's not let ourselves.

For what it's worth, I remember extensive discussions about having
signatures remain verifiable after delivery, and I remember a
significant, but not universal desire to do so.  But I think that's
not relevant now:

1. It's not relevant to the discussion we need to have now, which is
about the proposed charter.  Any discussion of actual solutions is for
the eventual working group, and I really don't see a need to have
wording in the charter about this particular issue.

2. I don't believe the original intent should be relevant even in the
eventual working group discussion.  What's important specifically is
NOT what we thought then, but what we think NOW, with the information
we have now.  We will need to weigh proposed solutions with their
efficacy on one side of the scale and their consequences on the other,
keeping in mind current usage and current problems.

Ultimately, deciding the relevance of a particular discussion, and
moderating any such discussion, will be up to the chairs of the
working group (which, by the way, will not include me).  Let's please
leave that for when we have a working group and we have chairs with
that mission.


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