On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 8:27 PM Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:

>> Beyond this SHOULD, I think we need to consider whether the caller needs
>> to be told specifically when a failure occurs for this reason.  Right now
>> an implementation might return just a PERMFAIL without noting that it's
>> because of "x=" versus the signature failing for some other reason.  Should
>> the caller be given this extra detail to enhance the decision tree, or will
>> this just complicate things?
>> Why would it permfail? Does it permfail email without a signature too?
>> Absent p=reject, there is nothing wrong with unsigned email.
> I'm using the language of the DKIM RFC, so "PERMFAIL" here refers to
> evaluation of the signature, not of the message.
> But DKIM doesn't return status to anybody. That's completely internal to
> the verifier. At most they might want to create an A-R, but that isn't
> required and it's definitely not sent back to the sender.
I think we're talking about different layers here.  Otherwise, DKIM has to
return status someplace, otherwise why do the evaluation?  That status
might be in the form of an A-R header field, or a recommended final action,
or a log entry, or whatever that operator wants.

The RFC just talks about returning PERFMAIL when the evaluation fails for
one reason or another.  It's abstract, of course; the implementer is free
to decide what that actually means in each case.  In the implementation I
did, the library receives all the details and returns a status (with its
own detail) about each signature, and the caller is free to do what it
wants with that information.

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