> On 3 Aug 2023, at 16:44, Barry Leiba <barryle...@computer.org> wrote:
>> A point I was trying to make in earlier posts is that this topic does
>> not seem to me to warrant anything close to that much effort on
>> producing background text.
>> Especially when we so far seem to be lacking cohesive effort to
>> formulate serious technical and operational 'solutions' and the
>> community support to field them.
>> We need a lot more focus on the recruiting industry
>> support/participation and on formulating technical specifications that
>> will be used.
> This I completely agree with: we saw a great deal of interest from
> M3AAWG about this, and the discussions there led to discussions here
> that got this working group started.  But since then we've seen no
> apparent interest in following through, apart from the few who
> actively drove the chartering.  I agree that we need to see broader
> interest in working on solutions and broad assurance that those
> solutions will be implemented.  There's been talk about having a
> session at the October M3AAWG meeting in New York, and I'll be
> interested to see what results from that.

I agree with this and have been working to recruit folks to come here. I’ll 
also be in Brooklyn and pitching the need for participation in the IETF working 
group from folks in the email space who are seeing issues with this. 

laura (participating) 

The Delivery Expert

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise

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