On Jun 2, 2010, at 2:58 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
>> The basic problem with ADSP is that we shipped an untested prototype,
>> and
>> at this point the only way to test it is to try experiments and hope
>> they
>> don't do too much damage before we have a chance to tweak and mitigate
>> the
>> problems.  I appreciate that Paypal's intentions are entirely virtuous,
>> and that you deal with problems pretty quickly for a large
>> organization.
> If we all agree that that's a valid characterization of ADSP, I suggest we 
> move to get it downgraded from Proposed Standard to Experimental.  There's 
> certainly a lot of rhetoric suggesting it's an experiment that's in the 
> process of failing, though the experiment is also arguably not complete.


> At any rate, I'm happy to participate in an effort to specify something that 
> actually stands a chance of working, and test it in widely available software.

Also, there have been a couple of suggestions along those lines that at least 
sound promising, but that weren't based on ADSP. I'm not sure where the best 
place to discuss them might be (and ASRG isn't it).

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