On 6/2/2010 2:58 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
> If we all agree that that's a valid characterization of ADSP, I suggest we
> move to get it downgraded from Proposed Standard to Experimental.

I don't recall seeing anything that looks like "we all agree" on such a point. 
That some do is fine,but  we also know that many do not.

So we all really need to back away from this sort of drama.

 >  There's
> certainly a lot of rhetoric suggesting it's an experiment that's in the
> process of failing, though the experiment is also arguably not complete.

We should all be far more concerned that legitimate questions about limits to 
usability and observed failure scenarios cannot be reasonably discussed.

That's a good way to ensure that serious barriers to widespread successful use 
will not be resolved.


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
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