On 10/15/2010 1:32 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
>>     Dave killfile's
>> many participants, therefore any consensus he sees will merely reflect
>> the echo chamber of his own making.
>> So I strongly object on procedural grounds
> Mike, you needn't object unless the chairs put people in our
> kill-files, and I can assure you that we don't.


(First rule of politics and legal trials:  if you can't win on the substance, 
try to win on the process.)

Since this is a formal forum and we're in the middle of a formal act (making a 
decision) and the mailing list is a formal record, I'm feeling compelled to 
correct two factual errors, in spite of the potential for this taking us down 
the rabbit hole:

1.  I don't killfile.

2.  I reviewed all mailing list postings in the thread that followed my query.


ps.  However I happen to agree with Barry's note about requirements.  But an 
inaccurate formal record warranted correcting.

   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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