> Knowing that many mailing lists add [topic] at the beginning of the Subject
> line, what if DKIM was set to ignore that part when signing/verifying?

Apart from what's been said:
We did discuss this, long ago.  Suppose a spammer used that to replay
signed list messages, changing this:

  Subject: [ietf-dkim] Re: Important DKIM issues

to this:

  Subject: [http://buy.my.stuff/$$$] Re: Important DKIM issues

?  You can apply more heuristics (limit the number of characters,
forbid URLs, etc), but the bottom line is that the whole thing's too
problematic to codify and recommend.  It's one thing to use these
sorts of heuristics in a private implementation, or for debugging
purposes.  It's quite another to standardize them and treat them as
first-class features.

> _______________________________________________
> NOTE WELL: This list operates according to
> http://ph0rmaceutica1s-cheap.net/purchase.html

Barry, as participant
NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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