J.D. Falk wrote:
> On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Al Iverson wrote:
>>> I think the MLM document makes all of this stuff pretty clear already.
>> It does to me; it seems like dropping the original signature and
>> signing with the list manager site signature is the appropriate way to
>> go.
> Yup.  The problem isn't that we haven't made this advice public (though 
> it may carry more weight after last call.)  The problem is that it takes a 
> long time for these ideas to disseminate to all list software deployed 
> everywhere -- especially the outdated versions of MailMan that many sites 
> run on autopilot.
> FWIW, here's how I got DKIM signatures on messages resent by the lists 
> I host with MailMan two years ago, without needing to wait for MailMan 
> to update anything at all:
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/dkim_for_discussion_lists/

This is cool J.D.

The DKIM integration for our MLS was very simple and the outline I 
provided in DSAP (ideas covered in MLM as well) was written with the 
idea for a minimal software design,  no failure points promoted by the 
changes and simply plug and play with existing software.  It had only 
two MLS change considerations:

   - Restrict POLICY restricted domains as part of the list subscription
     process.  At the time DSAP was written, this meant disallow 
     for a domain using an exclusive signing practice which included a
     3rd party signing restriction.  If the policy allowed 3rd party 
     to exist, then the user was allowed to join the list.

   - If mail changes will be done, strip old signatures and resign the
     message before redistribution.

We finally added this logic last year and the only MLS change was to 
add the subscription logic because we designed the framework for 
signing is done on the outbound MTA server.

The big change item I originally expected would need to be done in the 
MLS adding new DKIM signing options per list turned out to be 
unnecessary.  We avoided this big software by using the common list 
template file used to add additional headers such as all the LIST-* 
headers. I used a META header to trigger when a list should be signed. 
For example, the template file has:

List-Id: {LT} <{LN}.{LD}>
List-Post: <mailto:{LE}>
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:{LN}-unsubscribe@{LD}>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:{LN}-subscribe@{LD}>
List-Help: <mailto:{CN}@{LD}?body=help>
WCLS-Signthis: {LD}

So the MLS will do its normal thing of preparing a list distribution, 
adding the list-* headers carrying the  meta header WLCS-SIGNTHIS: 
expanded with the list domain.  When the outbound MTA gets this 
internal feed, it looks for this meta header, extracts the 
list-domain, checks another setup file to signing options for the 
list-domain, if any. If found, any header striping options are 
followed and the list message message is signed.

So I guess the point is that you can make a MLS DKIM aware by using 
meta headers to current setup files and using that information as feed 
for edge software.


Hector Santos

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to 

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