John R. Levine wrote:
>> Hi Hector,
>> At 15:20 14-05-2011, Hector Santos wrote:
>>> Shouldn't the MLM I-D say something regarding C14N and CR/LF related
>>> mutations?
>> No.
> +1 to the No.
> I have my reservations about the draft, but this is not one of them.

In general, I would say NO too because I don't like kludges.

My point is that the draft is already peppered with scenarios about 
how MLM can break things and it properly classifies the known simple 
"list-like" type of "alias" address expanders that in general, the 
messages is not altered.

Of course, we all know its not the only kind; a real List Server 
always provides list admin options to not alter things like the 
IETF-SMTP list seems to be been setup (with mailman?).

But here, it appears it does add a extra <CRLF> after the headers.

So my question is about whether we should provide an "informative 
implementator" insight that there may be an extra <CRLF> generated by 
non-DKIM aware list.  It can make all the difference in a valid versus 
invalid DKIM signed submission to a non-DKIM aware MLM, which BTW, I 
did add logic to my verifier to check for this extra <CRLF> when a 
BODY_HASH error first occurs and redo the hash without it.  It works! 
  But I am probably going to add a condition based on LIST-ID to 
enable this check.

I fail to see why we would not be interested in giving verifiers some 
insight into this real live scenario.

Is it because its a more general DKIM issue and ideally belongs in 
RFC4671bis (too late)?

Hector Santos, CTO

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