On 05/16/2011 09:39 AM, Dave CROCKER wrote:
> Sorry, but I believe the above also does /not/ help us to understand actual
> survivability differences.
> To assess that difference, the experiment needs to send the same set of 
> message
> twice, one with each type of canonicalization, and then see what the survival
> differences are.
> The problem with the above is the biasing factor of signers' choosing to use 
> one
> or the other, based on criteria we can't know about.  Their criteria might 
> have
> greatly affected actual survival rates.  Or might not have...

My guess is that admins just don't understand any of the subtleties,
have heard lore that "relaxed" is "better" and just click "relaxed"
wherever they find it. It may also be the case that some implementations
don't even have separate nerd knobs for headers and body canonicalization.

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