Hi Mark,
At 04:37 06-09-2012, Mark Lizar wrote:
Yes, this is a very interesting point. Do we have the right to revoke our consent and change our minds?

That right would not be worth much if I cannot afford a good solicitor. :-)

How valid are these contracts? What takes precedence privacy rights or badly informed contracts based on marginally informed consent?

I'll assume that the contract is valid. Then, what? I am back to the inevitable choice. What takes precedence is the choices the person is given through the design. The alternative is to resolve the above questions. I doubt that they can be resolved easily.

If a company like Google can retroactively combined my data from a whole bunch of disparate services, utilising 10 years of data aggregation about me, for the sole purpose of profit, without my consent. How valid is a Google TOU?

It's a two-way exchange where I am getting a service for free and the service provider is getting something out of it. I expect that the service provider has an economic motivation. Questions about the validity of a terms of use ends up in a legal arena. It can take years to be resolved. From the above, I'd say that it in unfair bargain.

Do my privacy rights take a back seat because I use google services? I don't remember clicking an I agree button to make a Google search.

No (see above).

This point, for me at least, brings up many questions I don't have answers too. For instance, In the context of digital identity management, (A.K.A. the use of an identifier) is Google's use of my identifiers, based on this current policy infrastructure of informed consents, legal? Is informed consent acheived for the use of my real ID that is now a requirement of Google services?

I don't have the answers too.

For what it is worth, the IETF does not work on digital identity management. I suggest taking a look at draft-iab-privacy-considerations-03. Is that document a good start?

S. Moonesamy
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