At 06:12 PM 9/20/00 +0200, Magnus Danielson wrote:
>I think we have reason to consider how to deal with these issues and improve
>the state-saving. Just look at the efforts to bring early (pre-RFC700) RFCs
>So, lets ponder some over these issues and see if there is not something
we can
>do to improve the state of things.

Would there be any objection to setting up an I-D vault, where Internet
Drafts could have a permanent archive?

I reference Internet Drafts on a regular basis for, and it's
disturbing that our archived stories frequently point to no-longer-existing
files at the IETF. 

We report on development as it happens, whether or not it has achieved RFC
status, and maintain an archive of our stories.  Maintaining the archive to
ensure that IETF links remain clear is not a lot of fun, to say the least.

For examples of IETF stories at xmlhack, see:

One of my favorite things about W3C process is their insistence on
archiving all public drafts.  It makes it easy to check on the development
of specs and figure out what happened when.

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
XHTML: Migrating Toward XML - XML essays and books

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