Date:        Wed, 20 Sep 2000 17:37:24 -0400
    From:        "Simon St.Laurent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | You seem to ignore the possibility that they could be worth keeping in a
  | form other than RFCs.

Why?   Or perhaps I mean, why in another form than RFCs which are RFC clones
in essentially all details (that is, I wasn't asking why someone might prefer
to also keep docs in some radically different form or medium).

  | I don't think the world wants the RFC pool to grow
  | _that_ rapidly,

You're worried about conserving RFC numbers?   Why?   If the information is
to be kept, let it be kept.

If we start keeping I-D's forever (publically available) then we will just
need to invent another doc series for draft drafts, that aren't to be
kept forever.

Perhaps the current problems are all a result of the (comparatively recent)
difficulty of getting stuff actually published as an RFC, compared to the
ease of I-D publication.  If that is the real issue, then that might be
worth discussing, but just creating more archival doc series doesn't solve
anything at all.


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