*> I would have to agree with a number of other people who have replied 
  *> to this email.  There does need to be an archive of I-Ds.   There are 
  *> many I-Ds that were written several years ago that are still 
  *> referenced often and pointed at.  I am thinking of several in the 
  *> areas of addressing and routing that while they never lead to 
  *> standards and some never were intended to provide a good piece of 
  *> background or analysis of problems we have faced and the thinking 
  *> that went into them. 

If they are worth keeping, they are worth publishing as RFCs.

  *> (Often the answer isn't enough, new issues may 
  *> require re-visiting why we went where we did.  For example, recently 
  *> I wanted to find the old arguments from the ROAD process about how 
  *> many addresses we need.  It was very difficult to find.  There are 
  *> many similar examples.)
  *> I-Ds are for the most part contributions to the process of creating a 
  *> standard.  It would be inappropriate for most of them to be made even 
  *> Informational RFCs.  While it may be worthwhile to retire I-Ds as 

If they are not worth keeping, they are not worth keeping.

Bob Braden

  *> active for a group's consideration after 6 months, it would be good 
  *> if they were kept.  (Actually, I am surprised they are not. Generally 
  *> they are kept as part of the paper trail in case some should sue that 
  *> they were not given due consideration.  One can go to the paper trail 
  *> to show that due consideration was given.  The email archive is one 
  *> part of that but without the I-Ds they talk about it might not be 
  *> sufficient.)
  *> But overall, I believe that these are valuable to keep for historical 
  *> reasons at the very least.  I have seen too many cases where people 
  *> writing books have made up the history because it seemed reasonable 
  *> rather than go dig through the sources.  It will be even worse if the 
  *> sources don't exist.  (Then some day in the future someone will 
  *> decide that we did this because there was something to hide!!!!   God 
  *> forbid!)  There needs to be an I-D archive.
  *> Frankly, the RFC space is overloaded to the point that it is very 
  *> confusing to the uninitiated as to what the documents are, standards, 
  *> some early ones are just observations, comments on documents, etc. 
  *> It would much less confusing to the outside world if an RFC were just 
  *> one thing.   Even ISO distinguishes Standards from Technical Reports, 
  *> i..e. Informational RFCs or BCPs.
  *> Take care,
  *> John

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