I guess I have to hold up this "letter" sized paper display and try to
write on it at the same time.

I'll believe it when I see it. I saw the article on this topic in MIT Tech
review a few months ago, but they were saying that this technology is
years ahead. In the meantime, I will keep on using my Pilot (oops Palm).


On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

> > the hardware problem is the eyes and the hands. i use a pda because i can
> > put it in my hip pocket. that's just not going to happen with a screen that
> > half-size or full-size.
> You're thinking too traditionally. Displays will decouple from the
> processor (think Bluetooth). The "CPU" will holster on your belt,
> and the A4 sized thin-film display will fold up to fit in your pocket.
> And pixel density will increase to approach that of paper. (At 300 DPI
> you can shrink the font enough to get the better part of a 60x72 character
> page onto even todays sized PDA displays if you display in landscape.)
> Or maybe the technology will be something else. The point is that
> the display technology _will_ be there, and it will be there soon.
> (Soon enough that current PDA limitations aren't a good enough
> justification - IMO - for the sort of changes we're talking about
> making.)
> --lyndon

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