> > > Our very own Raj Mathur's Vishwakarma is a strong OSS control panel
> > > a good LDAP based authentication and cascaded design.
> > It seems that the development on Vishwakarma has stopped :( There seems
> > be no change log for some time now..
> Actually it has less bells and whistles so less maintenance and it
> actually works with Redhat 8 as well with only a few minor setup
> glitches in its present form.
> It is possible to maintain a RPM based distribution much more easily
> with Vishwakarma than proprietary control panels as each of them
> actually maintains their own custom rpm distributions. This creates a
> problem when you want to customize you are at the risk of breaking it or
> losing warranty.
Hmm... But why has the development on vishwakarma stopped? I don't wan't to
be responsible for keeping the control panel software uptodate with the
latest software, etc. I suppose this is the time to ask some1 for a
presentation and a support contract for vishwakarma. In any case I don't
have purchase power here, only the ability to  influence the decision
against products that I don't like ;)

> Some more options to try out which I haven't tried.
>  http://www.chaogic.com/vhost/
> http://webcp.can-host.com/
> http://www.acctmgr.com/
> http://www.directphp.com/index.php
> http://www.kabelsau.de/programme/
> http://www.ic-isp.com
> http://ispbs.hostplus.net/
> http://www.maz.org/vh/
> http://www.vhffs.org/
> http://ispman.sourceforge.net/
> http://isfree.terrabox.com/
> http://www.prongs.org/virtfs/
Are all of these oss?? I guess I will have a lot of stuff to try out. My
basic problem at this stage is that I am short on time and I need a tried
and tested solution.

> >  How is cpanel in this regard? I am
> > thinking about getting cpanel, but their price is quite steep. $599 for
> > year is quite high :(
> I would never recommend a package where you are at the mercy of the
> service provider to provide the patches/updates for security hotfixes.
Hmm... I would be using RedHat and depending on RedHat to provide tested
stuff. So I don't mind going in for other stuff that is proprietory. Right
now I don't have the resources to fix any broken OSS software. Of course if
I had time, I would have preffered OSS solutions!

> > I have a server hosted at superb, and those guys were recomending a
> > reinstall for a problem that was solved by giving a proper init command
> > the linux boot prompt. Their support is real bad. They charge extra for
> > setting up a system properly, and then set it up with a kernel that
locks up
> > with moderate load! Please if you are considering a dedicated Linux
> > don't go to superb they are big time rip offs :(
> I would recommend go for a Web-hosting company with an NOC in India and
> a NOC in US and co-located at a big Data Center like Verio or Exodus.And
> actually has a physical presence of their own in the data center.
Superb has an office in India, and their indian support guys are quite
helpful. But it is the stupid set of guys at the datacenter who are
irritating. They didn't even provide me with the message that the kernel was
throwing up when it went into kernel panic. In the latest instance the cause
of the problem was an improperly specified root partition in all the lilo
images. I guess I should not have taken the one on the server as a correct
template :(

> A good Data Center should provide you
> 1) Multiple Backbones of their own. esp. true of Verio/Exodus.

> 2) Remote KVM access or free reboots/console level troubleshooting,
> you can see the display of your server booting up ( I think verio does
> provide that )
This is where superb has the problem. But does any host provide console
access for remote dedicated servers or only for virtual servers?

> 3) 100% network uptimes(When our ISPs have a network uptime of 90 % or
> less which in effect means 3 days in a month )
I suppose most datacenters have this level of network uptime. And even those
that don't have this level do seem to

> What you should expect from the Web-hosting company is application of
> patches including kernel upgrades and any server related troubleshooting
> including console level without additional expenses what is called
Now which datacenters provide console level troubleshooting for free. The
main reason why I am considering VSNL delhi is that I can always drop in and
fix things. Also we have a unutilized IBM server which is going to be more
reliable than most of the cheap servers we are looking at. Is there any way
to know about compatiblity of various IBM servers and Linux? Right now this
server is running Windows NT and is used as a pdc, web proxy and mail server
less than 20 users, so I don't know if the components on this server will be
supported by Linux :(

> As far as the traffic is concerned most of the Indian ISPs are connected
> to one or more backbone providers like NewSkies ( C-band VSAT I think )
> or VSNL. And VSNL/Newskies do what they are asked to provide to ISPs
> merely provide a transit to the Internet Backbones. I will not be
> surprised if the traffic from any ISP is first routed to the backbone
> through VSNL(or newskies etc) and then back to VSNL DataCenters sigh!!.
> The proposed NIXI (see india-gii mailing list archives for discussion on
> that) has made some headway.
My experience with servers hosted @ vsnl delhi and mumbai datacenters has
been that in general their uptime is quite decent. I have yet to see them
getting off the net when I have net connection to the rest of the world. The
main advantage being that sites hosted @ vsnl have real low latency. This is
something that most people associate with fast servers so it is a big plus
when marketing the servers. I visit the otherwise crappy indiatimes website
a lot just because of this.

Ambar Roy

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