>    Ambar> Hmm... But why has the development on vishwakarma stopped?
>     Ambar> I don't wan't to be responsible for keeping the control
>     Ambar> panel software uptodate with the latest software, etc. I
>     Ambar> suppose this is the time to ask some1 for a presentation
>     Ambar> and a support contract for vishwakarma. In any case I don't
>     Ambar> have purchase power here, only the ability to influence the
>     Ambar> decision against products that I don't like ;)
> Because the developer doesn't have time to develop it further at the
> moment?
Hmm.. since this has gone into commercial mode, do you have any demo site
running vishwakarma or a list of users (I can accept a pvt mail in this
regard ;)

> Support contracts are always available, but I warn you I'm expensive.
> As if you didn't know that :) I must admit that maybe I shouldn't have
> made it so robust... many VishwaKarma users tend to pay for
> installation and then find that they don't need any support from me
> because the dam' thing just works.  Next time I'll ensure I make a
> flaky product so that people keep coming back to me for support and
> patches.  Ah, the things one can learn from Microsux!
Hmm... I guess I will stay away from this then.. no idea what will happen in
future :(

> Another possibility may be to install VishwaKarma and ask for help on
> this list or the VishwaKarma list if you get stuck.  I'll probably
> reply to the extent that I can figure out your problem remotely.  If I
> have to login, I'll charge... you know the rate -- half your kingdom
> and your daughter's hand in marriage.
Since i am neither a king nor do I have a daughter, do I qualify for free
support??? :D


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