> also, i have never really quite understood what is it with operating systems,
> for instance, why is QNX a true 'realtime' operating system, while gnu/linux
> isn't? or many of the high-end unix variants on big iron machines?
> so your OS needs to be a true realtime OS as well, depending on your
> tolerance threshold of what is realtime enough. for this, try QNX, or the
> truly free TRON operating system.

The term "Real-time OS" has no connection with keeping accurate clock
time in the system clock. The subject of real-time OS is a big one,
therefore it is best that we discuss it in a separate thread if at all.
:) Suffice to say that the real-time behaviour of an OS has no
connection with accurate system clocks.

BTW, an OS as a whole (as in Red Hat or Solaris) is not real-time or
non-real-time. Only the kernel is, really. The rest of the OS, i.e. the
user processes, remain practically the same, except for some apps that
one may write which do user-state things with the help of the real-time
extensions of the kernel. Therefore, the correct term should probably be
"real-time kernel" rather than real-time OS." :)


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