+++ J.Mohamed Zahoor [19/08/03 14:50 +0530]:
> OK... some background about my application....
> We develop s/w and hardware for a small, indegeneously developed telephone
> exchange . The main call processing s/w runs on a i386 PC which
> is connected to the exchange through some properitary h/w to the main 
> exchange.
> All the events are controlled and triggered through our s/w. We selected 
> linux as OS
> long time back when linux was in its infancy..  This PC is not connected 
> to external world
> by any means.. As this call processing s/w does all the main 
> functinalities.. it is absolutely
> necessary to sync the time to real time. And also the application is 
> expected to run
> for days along continusoly....
> So i cannot use any other time server to sync the time....
> Any other input...!!!

Interesting! Some background about your linux version,distribution etc.?

any reason why you cant use ntpd or ntpdate? They are more than good enough
for your immediate needs. I think. Else there can be n number of hacks to
fetch time information from somewhere and setting it on your machine.

- Sandip

Sandip Bhattacharya                        http://www.sandipb.net
sandip at puroga.com
Puroga Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 

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