Why don't you just get yourself a RTC card and use that instead of relying on the builtin clock!!!!!!

On Tue, 19 Aug 2003 14:50:52 +0530, J.Mohamed Zahoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

LinuxLingam wrote:

it is also not necessary for the pc to be 'old' for the CMOS battery to fail. other possible reasons;

1) CMOS battery drained if its a recycled/recharged type peddled by some shady guy.

2) drained due to a shortage or leakage.

I changed the CMOS battery recently....!!!

3) if you have those horrendous PCs that never really poweroff, as in HARD OFF. they tend to look like they've all shut down, but one press on the keyboard and they can powerup again, called a soft on. well, if you have the sense of physically pulling out the power cable from the socket so the PC won't fry while its offically switched off (happens far more frequently than you can imagine) the CMOS battery gets drained more rapidly.

nevertheless, i never expect any CMOS-based timing system to be 'mission critical' on the usual i386-type architecture. as ghane rightly points out, you need serious hardware for that kind of thing, or an always on, high-speed

OK... some background about my application....
We develop s/w and hardware for a small, indegeneously developed telephone
exchange . The main call processing s/w runs on a i386 PC which
is connected to the exchange through some properitary h/w to the main exchange.
All the events are controlled and triggered through our s/w. We selected linux as OS
long time back when linux was in its infancy.. This PC is not connected to external world
by any means.. As this call processing s/w does all the main functinalities.. it is absolutely
necessary to sync the time to real time. And also the application is expected to run
for days along continusoly....

So i cannot use any other time server to sync the time....

Any other input...!!!


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