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 Hi All,
   I wasn't expecting to get flamed like this on the list! Wouldn't you 
appreciate a bit of humour once in a while? Come on guys.... this list is 
supposed to be a community of sorts, and occasional jokes and humour wouldn't 
kill the spirit we share. If the general opinion is that such material should 
be banned from the list, it will only dampen the wonderful spirit of freedom. 
What do the gurus have to  say on this?


    P.S. Thanks to those who enjoyed the thread ! Here's another one for you 

The Gurus of Unix Meeting of Minds (GUMM) takes place Wednesday, April 1, 2076 
(check THAT in your perpetual calendar program), 14 feet above the ground 
directly in front of the Milpitas Gumps.  Members will grep each other by the 
hand (after intro), yacc a lot, smoke filtered chroots in pipes, chown with 
forks, use the wc (unless uuclean), fseek nice zombie processes, strip, and 
sleep, but not, we hope, od. Three days will be devoted to discussion of the 
ramifications of whodo.  Two seconds have been allotted for a complete 
rundown of all the user-friendly features of Unix.  Seminars include 
"Everything You Know is Wrong", led by Tom Kempson, "Batman or Cat:man?" led 
by Richie Dennis "cc C? Si!  Si!" led by Kerwin Bernighan, and "Document 
Unix, Are You Kidding?" led by Jan Yeats.  No Reader Service No. is necessary 
because all GUGUs (Gurus of Unix Group of Users) already know everything we
could tell them.
                -- "Get GUMMed," Dr. Dobb's Journal, June '84
- -- 

On Tuesday 30 Sep 2003 5:29 pm, Shuvam Misra wrote:
> > Please keep these jokes outside this list. If you feel that u need to
> > post jokes, then at least mark it as such in the subject line, so that
> > our time is not wasted reading totally useless stuff.
> Personally, a bit of humour once in a while is welcome. I've been here
> a few months now, and I don't see the levels of humour as being so high
> that they impede useful discussion and learning.
> Just wanted to put in my ten paise worth of comment to defend the
> original joker. I quite enjoyed this thread. :)
> As an aside, I feel that all old Unix hands (as against fresh-faced
> Linux converts and evangelists) always recognized that Unix is a kind of
> (human) language of its own. Look at lines like the following:
>   - "Quick! Check...can you finger me?"
>   - "Don't ping me, or I'll / your bloody *!"
>   - "Can you tar it for me?"
> If one can't see the humour implicit in this, one is almost missing the
> spirit of Unix. In that case, one might as well regress to the world of
> corporate operating systems like IBM mainframes and VAX/VMS, where
> commands were always verbose, meaningful, pregnant with significance,
> and devoid of any tongue-in-cheek anything. In an attempt to build a
> serious corporate brand image, they ensured you couldn't fault them with
> a sense of humour. (They were selling to Wall Street, you can't blame
> them. Black was the only colour of suits allowed.)
> I saw this latest thread to be a (slightly juvenile) version of that
> old Unix playfulness which has taught me that playful is not necessarily
> useless. I for one would like to see this thread of humour remain. Geek
> humour is usually quite refined humour.
> This humour makes me feel that there's humour left in this world
> other than the Cyrus Broacha "MTV Bakraa" brand of tickle-me-raucous
> laughter. Makes me feel that I too belong somewhere.
> Just my ten paise, for what it's worth. :)
> Shuvam
> PS: Sorry guys, I have a flaw in my character... tend to get a bit
>     reflective sometimes. Age catching up. :)
- -- 

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Bhaskar Dutta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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