Sandip Bhattacharya wrote:
> Conversely, is there any way a Linux company can participate in an 
> Microsoft promoting event and talk about the virtues of Linux?

I have been to a MS-Enterprise Architects meeting in my 'Linux bit my 
windows' T-shirt, and handed out DVD's of CentOS etc ( 50 DVD's that day 
) and I had atleast 8 different people offer to buy me a drink after ( 
the morons only had organic snacks and 8 different kinds of juices and 
milk variants at the event, had it been an OpenSource event, we'd have 
had burgers and ale ) - Its not, perhaps, a fair comparison to the 
situation here like LA, since the event was only Tech people, who have 
worked with MS Tech for a long time and are on the front end - and 
bumping into  linux / legacy unix on a moderate / regular basis.

I think the point here isnt that MS is hanging around linux events and 
brain washing visitors with FUD, the issue is - they consider the Linux 
movement to be a major enough threat to need a counter.

Keeping this in mind, my view would be to spend the energy on the day, 
at the event - and ensure people do get the right picture w.r.t the 
linux V/s Windows issues. They might claim TCO is lower, there are 
studies that refute that - make sure those studies are available on the 
day. Effectively, insure that people who come there, REALLY do go over 
to the MS area, talk to their people - and then also talk to the Linux 
users and vendors to see the real picture.

Just my 2 bits worth. I've see that he most loyal linux followers in the 
business and enterprise arena are people who made the choice, with fair 
knowledge on their side.

Karanbir Singh : : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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