On Sun, 4 Feb 2007 20:46:51 -0800 (PST), vivek khurana  said: 

> Unfortunately, we are again heading for standard discussion
> of money versus knowledge sharing.  Why is it that most of our OSS
> vs. proprietary discussions end up being discussion of making (or
> not making) money from open source. Everyone wants to make money,
> including myself. If there is anyone in the list who is not
> interested in earning money, please let me know.

        I have absolutely no interest in earning money from my free
 software endeavors, and I know loads of people who share my
 sentiments.  Indeed, this seems to be the dominant viewpoint of the
 Debian developers, based on our most recent flamewar.

        So no, I have not yet bought into the thesis that everyone
 wants to make money from free software; though I find the direction
 that hypothesis leads to interesting.

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