> But here (LA07) what we sought was 'engagement' and on a
> platform where Linux/OSS was on a strong footing.
Rahul at the risk of repeating myself, I appreciate the work being put 
in by the team for LA. While, I didn't attend the event, would you say 
that OSS was on a strong footing at all? Or was MS on a strong footing 
by giving lip service to OSS while pushing their own products? With OSS 
local community participation down to a trickle?
> Plus, if you see the point of the 'customers' a wholistic event builds
> more trust than a one sided affair.
This bit I completely disagree with, what wholistic events are we 
talking about here? Have you heard of a single MS event where OSS 
biggies have been invited to present their case? How does one build 
trust with a  "customer", when someone is standing on the stage in an 
event like LA and proclaiming TCO advantages for the products of a 
sponsor of the event (which coincidently is selling products in a manner 
not in line with OSS philosophy).

The way I see it there are 3 stands here:
1. The event organizers really believes in the stand they took and are 
ready to defend it
2. The event organizers is justifying it's stand by sugar coating the 
basic facts (a CYA tactic)
3. The event organizers had a noble intention however that did not work 
out as planned and a lesson has been learnt

I believe, through this thread, we are only trying to understand which 
of the 3 above (or maybe a 4th option) is the truth here. Either way, 
LFY's contribution to OSS is not being questioned and is appreciated.


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