> thats not what i said - i asked if you permit
> no-sharing, copy- 
> protect, no-copying, no-distribution? according to
> this:
> http://creative.linux-delhi.org/?q=node/2
> you dont. Why dont you allow that also. Why restrict
> to just these 12  
> licenses? Be liberal. Invite everyone in - you will
> flourish, maybe  
> even micorsoft will fund you

 mind reading this before posting such suggestion 

 no-copying, no-sharing, no-distribution will turn
creativedot into a museum for display of creative
work, something no user is interested. Please explain
to me how can i implement no-copying license when
everytime a user clicks on a photograph to view?
Whenever a browser opens an image, it effectively
copies image file on to computers temp file. Now you
might say we should implement DRM to allow no-sharing,
no-copying and no-distribution which will go against
the basis of creativedot.
 Liberal/broad view does not means you allow anything.
We allow broad range of licenses and broad range of
creative work. We are not a website for hosting
photographs only or for hosting music only. We allow
publication creative work in any digital format as
long as work published can be accessed/modified under
any platform with requiring any special proprietary
software. That means you cannot post pictures in a
format which can be edited by photoshock only.

 As for funding, the concept of funding in terms of
Money does not exist with creativedot yet. We accept 
donation in terms of webspace, technical inputs, man
hours (we love dedicated man hours) and soon will
require donation in terms of software code under GPL
(Ok you may count it as man hours). We dont have any
plan to accept monetary funding in foreseeable future.
So, if you were thinking M$ will fund us with money, I
will have to disappoint you here.

 Btw, you might be interested in trying Jannani's
recipes published under creativedot.

PS:- we are looking for funders who can donate us a
server and monthly bandwidth, in case you know someone
who can help us do let us know.

Engineers normally have problem with every solution. If not they have  a 
solution in search of a problem.


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distinction is yours to draw...

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