> And please, for those focusing on the "practical side of Linux", it 
> would be best that you stay away from this discussion. You obviously 
> don't look at the larger picture. There would be no Linux/FOSS if people 
> only focused on the "practical side".

BS. F/OSS was doing great without all the marketing and hype surrounding
it. No "mega-event" can ever beat the enthusiasm involved in a local LUG
meet; where a small group of like-minded people get together and talk
about what they like.

Linux and other F/OSS were never made with the intention of pleasing the
masses or for a market share, and it will always remain that way. Some
corporates choose to use F/OSS because they've done their homework on
what actually works for them; not because somebody presented them with a
"LINUX ROCKS" pamphlet.

I digress from the topic, but the bottom line is that F/OSS needs more
people who can actually contribute to the development of F/OSS itself;
not people who are blowing trumpets about how "Linux is better than


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