
On 2/8/07, Anupam Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2/8/07, Raj Mathur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There is no decision-making behind closed doors.  Just because we
> > didn't send a goddam chauffeur-driven limousine to your door to pick
> > you up, bring you to the meetings that were announced on the list and
> > solicit your valuable opinion doesn't mean that decisions were made
> > behind closed doors, however much you may try to twist what everyone
> > is saying to suit your own warped view of reality.  I'd suggest you
> > put up (substantiate what you're saying) or shut up; in other words,
> > kindly shut up, since I can see no possible way you could manufacture
> > any proof that ILUGD is acting in an undemocratic fashion.
> I don't need to substantiate anything. I never said that ILUGD was
> undemocratic. My hypothesis was a very weak one, namely ILUGD could do
> with having more openness. Anything in the world could do with more
> openness so it is not really something you would oppose. If you
> misread between the lines so far as to see allegations of undemocratic
> behaviour then it is your warped view of reality, not mine. Now that
> we have established that my "allegations" were not really so, I stand
> by whatever I said fully because I did not see a public discussion on
> this topic *before* the event. It may have been due to valid reasons
> (you say you had only a day to respond, which is a very valid reason)
> but the fact remains.
> And it is not really relevant but I have been living in Bangalore for
> over a year now (and many places elsewhere the year before that). So
> it is not really possible for me to be a part of the meetings anymore.
> I'm not sure if that fact makes me a "lesser" member of the ILUGD
> community, but I'd appreciate it if more things were kept on the
> mailing list.

Continue with your illogical and baseless reasonings. This thread
needs to outnumber all existing records. Please contribute as much as
you can because you are not going to accept the obvious. Nice way to
contribute to Free Software Movement.

Nikhil Prabhakar

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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