On Mon, 07 May 2007 00:03:37 +0530, Sandip Bhattacharya  said: 

> - BSD style licences are designed to help everybody regardless of
>   intentions. This has helped users and developers alike. But in some
>   case like Microsoft, it's intentions are abused to hurt users.

> - GPL style licences are designed foremost to help users. It doesn't
>   share the intention/model of the closed source world, and therefore
>   till now almost no closed source company has been able to abuse the
>   intention of the licence.

        I am not sure I am convinced by these statements.  As a
 developer, I fail to see how the GPL helps me any less than the BSD
 style licenses do -- unless you assume that all developers want to
 squirrel code away and make loads of money off other people's work. 

        Is there any other way that the BSD is better for developers
 than the GPL is?

It's hard to be humble when you're perfect.
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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