On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 00:09 +0530, Linux Lingam wrote:
> so the real challenge for a creative person is not to be this 100%
> helpless, dependent slave of tools and just lie wounded on the canvas.
> the real challenge of creativity is to find ingenious solutions to
> bottlenecks or roadblocks in using muft and mukt solutions... both
> digitally and analog or creatively...
> when we confuse production with creativity we hit the real bottleneck.

Dear Niyam,
  I quite agree with the thrust of your comments, but it is not me
that you have to convince, but other people at Sarai. I am currently
not willing to push FOSS solutions because, (a) they have apparently
tried for two years, and been let down due to internal organisational
issues at Sarai, (b) by all accounts, FOSS tools are, by and large,
not yet ready for primetime, and (c) I am not at all willing to act
like a bull in a china shop in an area where I have little competence.
If someone wants to get their work done, and if for whatever reason,
FOSS tools require them to stand on one leg, and touch their nose
around the back of their head, I am not going to be the one telling
them that it is all in a good cause. It could be as simple a matter
as that they are already familiar with proprietary tools, and are
much more productive with them. The fact remains that they couldn't
care less about the ideology behind their tools.

  Having said that, there is a fair amount of support within Sarai
for free software, and it is possible (a) to ask (ask, mind you, and
not in any way demand) that the production folk at least try out
the latest, greatest FOSS equivalents, and (b) for Sarai to fund
concerted development of FOSS multimedia applications so that they
reach the level of closed-source applications. So, if you are
serious about this, please do come and talk to us. I am starting
a conversation on this, and other FOSS development work internally
within ILUG-Delhi.


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