Gora Mohanty wrote:
>   Having said that, there is a fair amount of support within Sarai
> for free software, and it is possible (a) to ask (ask, mind you, and
> not in any way demand) that the production folk at least try out
> the latest, greatest FOSS equivalents, and (b) for Sarai to fund
> concerted development of FOSS multimedia applications so that they
> reach the level of closed-source applications. So, if you are
> serious about this, please do come and talk to us. I am starting
> a conversation on this, and other FOSS development work internally
> within ILUG-Delhi.

Perhaps you could expand the topics of interest posted for the RGF-Sarai
FLOSS fellowships to include areas such as multimedia tools?

Anant Narayanan
gpg --recv-keys 0EF6914E
<[EMAIL PROTECTED],gentoo.org,php.net>

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