On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 02:18 +0530, Ravi Shanker wrote:
> I would suggest not to force them to jump in FOSS, because if they do,
> their production will be effected, and chances are more that they would
> want to get back.. a bad name to FOSS then.

Nobody is forcing anyone into anything. Hell, even if I had that power
within Sarai, I would refrain from using it.

>                                        I am not saying not to proceed
> in this direction, but before that please check out what possibilities
> are there with the available tools and if the production will really be
> effected in adverse cases.

Look, at the present moment, it is pretty clear that the production folk
are going to go with proprietary solutions for now, and I have no
quibbles with that. At the same time Sarai can offer expertise in
multimedia practice, and possibly fund sustained development in this
area. So, if there are people in the ILUG-D community interested in
this, we can make a genuine difference in this area in 2-3 years time.
However, there has to be a gameplan, a commitment from outside
developers (I can pretty much guarantee a concomitant response from
within Sarai), and some kind of mechanism to ensure that milestones
are met, and that there is genuine progress. I would like to discuss
this further on the list, and at future meetings. I refuse to believe
that audio/video production is such a difficult task from the software


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