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Surjo Das wrote:
> Its not a question of addiction.  It's a matter of habit.  Gabbar
> Singh equates to Amjad Khan and not to Amitabh Bachchan what Ram
> Gopal Varma is trying to do.  He's fighting a losing battle.  I
> went OT here.  But this is the best example I could think of as I
> am also a movie buff.  If you can't imagine anyone else but Amjad
> Khan as Gabbar Singh, then try changing the world from Windows to
> Linux on the desktop.  The server battle is already won.
My head whirled a bit, I have no clue of these Hindi cinema stuffs,
its way too [OT] for me. You are comparing a OS being marketed|sold by
a company with all its evil monopolistic business attitudes to an OS
which is there all due to the selfless contribution of the community.
Though the fact remains that Windows still occupies 95% of the world
desktop, the reason is not people themselves embraced it, rather due
to the early successful monopolistic business tactics that "Windows"
became a synonym for "Computers" with the end users.

But when it comes to servers, the people who use them know how a
server should be and were intelligent enough to select GNU/Linux over
Windows, which was a right decision. But, in the desktop market, we
were never interested in doing marketing for GNU/Linux.

Remember, Windows is not a "Free" OS, even "Free as in Free Beer". So
M$ was the need to do marketing because they were getting loads of $$.
I agree that Redhat and Novel do too, but still you have an army of
Free GNU/Linux distributions available.

I second Shakthi's opinion that if at all there were strict piracy
rules in our country, we would have seen more people adopting
GNU/Linux. We do not have more weightage when we  say "You have to pay
for Windows, but GNU/Linux is free". Nobody ever paid for their Windows.
> How much time are we talking of here.  Microsoft released Windows
> 95 in 1995.  They predicted that all PC's will be manufactured with
> pre-loaded Windows.  Now we are in 2007.  Red Hat came out with
> their 6.2 version in 1999 if I am not mistaken.  Everyone dubbed it
> as the best and stable release then.  Improvements kept happening
> on that over a period of time. We are now in 2007.  How much will
> it take to change things.  Microsoft released Vista in January
> 2007.  It is June now.  All PC's that are coming out from factories
> have Vista on them or with a Vista ready sticker.
If I have enough $$$ as Uncle Bill, I will buy at least half of those
PCs coming out and install Ubuntu in them, and make sure things just
work ;) But, what we have with us (I mean the FOSS community) is the
passionate users who are ready to help one another.

Do you know how many users moved to or atl east started trying
GNU/Linux after the release of Vista ? Do you know how many Windows
users are still sticking with their Windows XPs ?

I end up my arguments here. We are going to go nowhere with just
arguments. If you really care, join those passionate GNU/Linux users
who try to spread the awareness amongst their friends and neighbors.
That is how we can conquer the world. :)

- --
With Regards
- ---
Parthan aka Technofreak

[weblog] http://technofreakatchennai.wordpress.com
[flickr] http://flickr.com/photos/techno_freak
[irc] teKnofreak @ irc.freenode.net (#linux-india)
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