On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 18:58 +0530, Kishore Bhargava wrote:
> Vikram Ranade wrote:
> > 750 GB drives cost 11k each at Nehru Place.
> > 
> > we've just bought a bunch of them for storage.
> > Personally I recommend a HDD based software raid 5 array.
> > I have 2 such arrays at home totalling 2.5TB and they have been
> > working really well for the past 2 years.
> > 
> > We did something similar at work with several 1.5TB arrays for backups
> > using rsync scripts to pull backups 3 times a day from client machines.
> > 
> With over 2TB of space at home, you just volunteered to give a talk at 
> freed.in ;-)

Erm, doesn't everyone? I have 1TB at home in a RAID-1 configuration. No
muss, no fuss. Debian handled all the crap for me.


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