On 9/24/07, Sharad Birmiwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been struggling with the same thing for quite sometime but haven't
> had the time recently to delve further. I chose Knoppix because it does
> autoconfig at bootup. There was some tutorial about installing from the iso
> and then having to install isolinux (if I remember correctly) boot-loader
> manually.
> Strange enough, I remember this tutorial asked me to create a FAT16 or
> FAT32 partition and extract all knoppix files on this. This was so because,
> trusting my memory again, this bootloader expected the kernel on a FAT16/32
> filesystem.
> I don't remember much after that and most of it is mixed up, but
> ultimately things didn't work. Though I've just had an idea now and write
> back soon if it works :)
> Sharad Birmiwal

I had a friend do this for me. He used this tutorial and it works!


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