On Sun, 2007-09-23 at 11:38 +0100, Asheesh Varshneya wrote:
> My screen flickers on 1024 by 768 resolution
> My screen used to be fine in my previous hostel but in my new hostel
> it flickers at 1024 by 768 resolution (60 hz which is max my monitor
> allows at this resolution) but not at 800 by 600 resolution (85 hz ).
> I had these resolutions in my previous hostel also but it didn't used
> to flicker !!!

> There is also a high powerline going above the hostels.
> The two hostel are approximately 30m apart

Screen flicker (I assume that this is a CRT, and not a LCD
screen), is usually due to the refresh rate. I notice
appreciable flicker at 60Hz. Electromagnetic interference
from other sources is a possibility, and the power line you
mention could be a source, though I would be a little

  If it is electromagnetic interference, you should be able
to pick it up as static on a radio, and it should be affecting 
other devices like a TV. In that case, you could try moving
the location of the computer to see if it makes a difference.
Shielding is a possibility, but problematic with a CRT that
puts out a lot of heat.

  For refresh rate issues, you could try updating the driver,
or using a different one. Most monitors, and graphics controllers,
even on-board ones, should be able to do 1024x768 at better than
60Hz. Look up the specifications for yours. The other alternative,
of course, is to buy a dedicated graphics card, but first check
your monitor specifications.


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