A. On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 13:01 +0530, Angad Singh wrote:
> > Sudev Barar wrote:
> >
> > > > Unfortunately I missed that meeting but from the review and inputs I
> > > > have gathered it seems that the OSS support amongst the college group
> > > > seemed missing as less than a handful turned up.

> We have enough OSS enthusiasts who'd be willing to volunteer and complete
> cooperation from administration. We were having our mid-sem break when the
> ILUG-D meeting took place so the college was totally deserted, there were no
> students and only few faculty which is why only the coordinators of our LUG
> attended the meeting.

Dear Angad,
  First of all, it is great to see your enthusiasm, and we
all welcome that. I am hopeful that JIIT will come to become
as much a part of ILUG-Delhi, and of freed.in as RKGIT, Ghaziabad
is. If you will excuse my being frank, the difference is that
a large contingent from RKGIT has been pro-active in their
involvement with ILUG-Delhi. Thus, while the JIIT setup looks
encouraging, I would still think that it makes sense to take
things a step at a time.

  For Freed 2008, given the short amount of time left, the best
that we can do is a one-day satellite conference for developers,
aimed at students new to FOSS development Even this will take
a lot of effort from all our sides, so that we need to start
discussing this now. For example, we would need to discuss
accommodation for speakers the night before the satellite
conference, and transportation to and from the main venue at

  Let us start by planning a presentation from your side
at the next ILUG-Delhi meeting (we are hoping to hold one
this Sun., 11/10, and will announce it shortly). The
presentation should cover what all JIIT can provide in
terms of facilities, and logistics. It would also be good
if you could get students from JIIT to attend. After that,
if we decide to go forward, we can set up a meeting with
your faculty. Does this sound good? Can you prepare such a
presentation (does not have to be slick, but just covering
all points above, and the ones addressed in your earlier
mail) by this Sun.?


ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - September 28-29, 2007
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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