On 27-Dec-07, at 2:05 AM, Saurabh Nanda wrote:

> I have attended only one Freed (it was called Freedel at that point)
> and the focus seems to have shifted quite a bit since that time (open
> source s/w focused event to a more "social revolution" kind of event).
> Therefore, please read my comments in that context -- most of them may
> be emanating from the fact that the new direction doesn't fit my
> notion of the event.

my two paise: LUGs should stick to what LUGs do best - bring new  
blood in, solve technical problems, get foss introduced in colleges,  
schools, industry and governement and help fellow luggers to sove  
their problems. They should leave social revolution and world  
domination to those more competent to do so. As the Bangalore  
experience shows, the moment a LUG get's above itself, it is in  
trouble, it fails to attract new blood, becomes irrelevant and it's  
goodwill vanishes into the hands of people with different aims to  
that of a LUG. It is not as if the whole of Northern India is  
converted to FOSS and the time has come to move to the next stage.  
The fact is we are sadly lagging in the basics itself - so stick to  
the basics. No doubt four people will sneer at you - but I personally  
think that doing what a LUG does is nothing to sneer at, is immensely  
satisfying and fulfills an important social need that nothing else  
can do.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

Foss conference for the common man: http://registration.fossconf.in/web/

ilugd mailinglist -- ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org
Next Event: http://freed.in - February 22/23, 2008
Archives at: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.user-groups.linux.delhi 

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