On 01-Feb-08, at 12:11 PM, Sriram J wrote:

> Electricity Minister Arcot N. Veerasamy insists that the government  
> has
> initiated 'adequate steps' to tide over the power crisis

you should believe what the govt says - steps have been taken.  
Anyway, that is besides the point. All problems will only be solved  
if people take their own destiny in their own hands and solve them -  
that is a given. What I do not agree with is the attitude that the  
poor and uneducated are dumb and unable to recharge their laptops -  
or use them - or learn to use them. As the durgapur lug has  
discovered, cell phones are everywhere, so people take to computers  
like ducks to water. And they manage to charge their cellphones too.  
They will charge their laptops also. Dont worry about it. The key  
thing is - it wont do them any harm. Further, not everyone in a  
village is poor and uneducated - surprisingly large numbers of them  
are not.

joke: developer is a person who wants to build cottages in the jungle  
and degrade the environment, environmentalist is a person who already  
has a cottage in the jungle.


Kenneth Gonsalves
Associate, NRC-FOSS

Foss conference for the common man: http://registration.fossconf.in/web/

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