On Feb 1, 2008 3:27 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 01-Feb-08, at 3:09 PM, Sriram J wrote:
> >> How about empowering them with education and information with
> >> "electronic devices" so that they can make their own roti, kapada aur
> >> makan, instead of depending on GOV and NGOs philanthropy's?
> >
> For that matter what about free TVs given to people below a certain
> income level? Government is doing it for votes - people spend their
> time before the box instead of doing useful work and educating
> themselves. So would you say, only give them TVs after they reach a
> certain income level? Or is TV totally evil? Could it have some
> educational value? Oh, I forgot, they cant watch TV anyway because
> villages dont have electricity. And what good is a TV for a person
> who has hardly enough to eat?
Great Points. They do need something different to play with. What is
the Value generated here, How far is localization reached?
how many actually use localized Computers in india for starters? Any
figures? ( I  know" future lies in it" etal ) . how many softwares are
there which touch more into local issues specific to our terrain ?
Again are they also localized?


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