On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Linux Lingam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > "The official "vanilla" Linux kernel from Linus that gets distributed
> > on kernel.org has non-free[1] software in it. "
> > click on the above url to discover more,
> > and of course, search the web for more, if you wish.

>> i can't find any info on this.. can u post a direct link on the list,
where this has been elaborated..??

> > what do you guys have to say and share about this
> > important new development in the saga of the linux kernel?
> >
> > regards
> > niyam
> apart from PJ and arun, no response yet from the community on this.
> wow! so much for endlessly and passionately debating value-systems
> around foss all these years in our mailing lists and ilug-meets and
> events.
> unless, are we supposed to merely agree with all-things linus, the
> pied-piper on the gates of dawn?

>> maybe because everyone is either to find whether what you have posted is
true in every sense or maybe because all of us are shocked by this "Breaking

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