On Wed, 28 May 2008 21:49:35 +0530
"Linux Lingam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> apart from PJ and arun, no response yet from the community on this.
> wow! so much for endlessly and passionately debating value-systems
> around foss all these years in our mailing lists and ilug-meets and
> events.

No offence, but I am always puzzled by the above kind of weak-minded
arguments, which I typically see from various corporate shills who
seek to exploit FOSS for their own nefarious ends. Which is why I
am surprised to see you taking up this position of late.

Who is the quote community unquote above? To my mind the community
is *you*. So, if there is a subject that you are passionately
interested about, please, do feel free to take up the cause. For
example, Venky, Nagarjuna, Prabir, and other folk did this
wonderfully with the whole OOXML business; taking up and fighting
what must have, at times, seemed like a lonely battle. All the
while taking care to keep the FOSS community informed, and constantly
trying to engage them. If you care so much about this issue, please
try to put together the resources to fork the Linux kernel. Doing
a smidgen of constructive work counts for much more in my book
than endless hand-wringing on mailing lists.

> unless, are we supposed to merely agree with all-things linus, the
> pied-piper on the gates of dawn?

I don't know how starkly I can say this, but I will try: Linus
doesn't owe anyone shit, and neither does the quote community
unquote. Please try to forgive us if we do not all drop everything else,
and take up the cause du jour.


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